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The resolutions at the EGM were put to \vote by way )Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (of poll. )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 -2.462 Td (POLL RESULTS OF THE EGM)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.017 Tw 0 -2.462 Td (The Board is pleased to announce that the following resolutions have bee\n duly passed )Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (at the EGM and the details of the poll results are set out as follows: )Tj ET 0 0 0 1 K 0.5 w /GS1 gs q 1 0 0 1 56.6929 614.4169 cm 0 0 m 28.596 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 56.9429 595.3323 cm 0 0 m 0 18.835 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 85.2894 614.4169 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 56.9429 576.4976 cm 0 0 m 0 18.835 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 337.5728 614.4169 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 337.5728 595.5823 cm 0 0 m 0 18.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 408.439 614.4169 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 473.6358 614.4169 cm 0 0 m 65.447 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 538.8326 595.5823 cm 0 0 m 0 18.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 337.3228 595.3323 cm 0 0 m 71.116 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 337.5728 576.4976 cm 0 0 m 0 18.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 408.439 595.3323 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 408.439 576.4976 cm 0 0 m 0 18.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 473.6358 595.3323 cm 0 0 m 65.447 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 473.6358 576.4976 cm 0 0 m 0 18.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 538.8326 576.4976 cm 0 0 m 0 18.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 56.6929 576.2476 cm 0 0 m 28.596 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 56.9429 365.413 cm 0 0 m 0 210.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 85.2894 576.2476 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 85.2894 365.413 cm 0 0 m 0 210.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 337.5728 576.2476 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 337.5728 365.413 cm 0 0 m 0 210.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 408.439 576.2476 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 408.439 365.413 cm 0 0 m 0 210.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 473.6358 576.2476 cm 0 0 m 65.447 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 473.6358 365.413 cm 0 0 m 0 210.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 538.8326 365.413 cm 0 0 m 0 210.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 56.6929 365.163 cm 0 0 m 28.596 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 56.9429 314.3283 cm 0 0 m 0 50.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 85.2894 365.163 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 85.2894 314.3283 cm 0 0 m 0 50.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 337.5728 365.163 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 337.5728 314.3283 cm 0 0 m 0 50.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 408.439 365.163 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 408.439 314.3283 cm 0 0 m 0 50.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 473.6358 365.163 cm 0 0 m 65.447 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 473.6358 314.3283 cm 0 0 m 0 50.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 538.8326 314.3283 cm 0 0 m 0 50.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 56.6929 314.0783 cm 0 0 m 28.596 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 56.9429 279.2437 cm 0 0 m 0 34.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 85.2894 314.0783 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 337.5728 314.0783 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 408.439 314.0783 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 473.6358 314.0783 cm 0 0 m 65.447 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 538.8326 279.2437 cm 0 0 m 0 34.585 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 56.6929 278.9937 cm 0 0 m 28.596 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 85.2894 278.9937 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 337.5728 278.9937 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 408.439 278.9937 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 473.6358 278.9937 cm 0 0 m 65.447 0 l S Q BT /GS0 gs /T1_1 1 Tf 9.75 0 0 13 131.6998 590.2756 Tm (ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS)Tj 25.392 0.734 Td (NUMBER OF VOTES \(%\))Tj -0.025 Tw -1.723 -1.468 Td (FOR)Tj 5.705 0 Td (AGAINST)Tj 6.742 0 Td (ABSTAIN)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf -43.202 -1.468 Td (1.)Tj 0.117 Tc 0.07 Tw 3.489 0 Td [(To)12.8 ( consider,)12.8 ( approve)12.8 ( and)12.9 ( ratify)12.9 ( that)12.8 ( the)12.9 ( 2)12.9 (0)12.8 (2)12.9 (0)92 ( )]TJ 0.084 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(Transaction)12.2 ( Amount)12.2 ( under)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( Financial)12.2 ( Service)59.1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.082 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Framework Agreement had exceeded the 2020 Annual )Tj 0.068 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Cap as approved by the then independent shareholders )Tj 0.053 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(of )0.5 (the )0.5 (Company )0.5 (at )0.5 (the )0.5 (2019 annual )0.5 (general )0.5 (meeting )0.5 (of )]TJ 0.042 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(the)12.6 ( Company)12.5 ( held)12.6 ( on)12.6 ( 1)12.6 (8)12.5 ( May)12.6 ( 2)12.6 (0)12.5 (2)12.6 (0)12.6 (;)12.6 ( and)12.6 ( to)12.6 ( authorise)17.1 ( )]TJ 0.043 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(the)12.4 ( directors)12.4 ( of)12.4 ( the)12.4 ( Company)12.4 ( to)12.3 ( do)12.3 ( all)12.4 ( such)12.3 ( acts)12.3 ( and)18 ( )]TJ 0.039 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(things)12.6 ( incidental)12.6 ( to)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( Financial)12.6 ( Service)12.6 ( Framework)14 ( )]TJ 0.05 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(Agreement)12.7 ( as)12.7 ( they)12.7 ( consider)12.7 ( necessary,)12.8 ( desirable,)12.8 ( or)25 ( )]TJ 0.052 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(expedient)12.6 ( in)12.6 ( connection)12.7 ( with)12.7 ( the)12.7 ( implementation)12.7 ( of)27 ( )]TJ 0.048 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(or)12.5 ( giving)12.4 ( effect)12.5 ( to)12.4 ( the)12.5 ( Financial)12.5 ( Service)12.5 ( Framework)23 ( )]TJ 0.12 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(Agreement)12.3 ( and)12.4 ( the)12.4 ( transactions)12.3 ( contemplated)95.1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (thereunder.)Tj 25.721 14.769 Td (420,636,500)Tj -0.387 -1.231 Td (\(99.999881%\))Tj 9.215 1.231 Td (500)Tj -1.974 -1.231 Td (\(0.000119%\))Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw 9.186 1.231 Td (0)Tj 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw -2.237 -1.231 Td (\(0.00000%\))Tj -43.013 -15.007 Td (2.)Tj 0.037 Tw 3.489 0 Td (To consider and approve the Supplemental Agreement, )Tj 0.113 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(the)12.2 ( Revised)12.2 ( Annual)12.2 ( Caps)12.2 ( and)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( transactions)88 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (contemplated thereunder.)Tj -0.025 Tw 25.721 2.462 Td (420,636,500)Tj -0.387 -1.231 Td (\(99.999881%\))Tj 9.215 1.231 Td (500)Tj -1.974 -1.231 Td (\(0.000119%\))Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw 9.186 1.231 Td (0)Tj 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw -2.237 -1.231 Td (\(0.00000%\))Tj 0.025 Tw -42.431 -2.699 Td (As more than half of the votes were cast in favor of each of the resolut\ions numbered 1 to 2, these resolutions )Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (were duly passed as ordinary resolutions.)Tj ET endstreamendobj22 0 obj<>endobj11 0 obj<>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 Tm (\226 1 \226)Tj 0.065 Tc 0.07 Tw 13 0 3.4833 13 55.3588 776.3179 Tm [(Hong)12.1 ( Kong)12.1 ( Exchanges)12 ( and)12.1 ( Clearing)12 ( Limited)12 ( and)12 ( The)12 ( Stock)12.1 ( Exchange)12.1 ( of)12.1 ( Hong)40 ( )]TJ 0.03 Tc 0.078 Tw 0.33 -1.231 Td [(Kong)5 ( )0.5 (Limited)5 ( )0.5 (take)5 ( )0.5 (no)5 ( )0.5 (responsibility)5 ( )0.5 (for)5 ( )0.5 (the)5 ( )0.5 (contents)5 ( )0.5 (of)5 ( )0.6 (this)5 ( )0.5 (announcement,)5 ( )0.5 (make)5 ( )0.5 (no)5 ( )]TJ 0.027 Tc 0.081 Tw 0.33 -1.231 Td [(representation)2 ( )0.5 (as)2 ( )0.5 (to)2 ( )0.5 (its)2 ( )0.5 (accuracy)2 ( )0.5 (or)2 ( )0.5 (completeness)2 ( )0.5 (and)1.9 ( )0.5 (expressly)2 ( )0.5 (disclaim)2 ( any)2 ( )0.5 (liability)2 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.077 Tw 0.33 -1.231 Td (whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the w\hole or any )Tj 0 Tw 0.33 -1.231 Td (part of the contents of this announcement.)Tj ET /PlacedGraphic /MC0 BDC EMC q 151.742 649.985 292.784 46.592 re W n 0 0 0 0 K 1.767 w 22.926 M 1 j /GS1 gs q 1 0 0 1 181.4122 695.6124 cm 0 0 m 0.107 0 -23.511 -0.844 -23.896 -19.2 c -23.84 -29.817 -14.837 -37.833 -2.427 -37.833 c 3.668 -37.723 8.195 -36.363 11.644 -33.204 c -8.781 -33.198 l -8.758 -27.636 l 22.636 -27.567 l 18.504 -37.998 9.746 -43.201 -2.83 -43.578 c -17.034 -43.578 -28.278 -34.044 -28.787 -22.254 c -28.787 -10.271 -16.146 1.165 0 0 c h S Q 0 1 1 0 k q 1 0 0 1 181.4122 695.6124 cm 0 0 m 0.107 0 -23.511 -0.844 -23.896 -19.2 c -23.84 -29.817 -14.837 -37.833 -2.427 -37.833 c 3.668 -37.723 8.195 -36.363 11.644 -33.204 c -8.781 -33.198 l -8.758 -27.636 l 22.636 -27.567 l 18.504 -37.998 9.746 -43.201 -2.83 -43.578 c -17.034 -43.578 -28.278 -34.044 -28.787 -22.254 c -28.787 -10.271 -16.146 1.165 0 0 c f* Q 2.041 w q 1 0 0 1 202.6792 682.4385 cm 0 0 m 5.609 -5.738 0.569 -11.891 -9.786 -12.643 c -6.258 -10.325 -1.012 -6.639 0 0 c h S Q Q q 192.893 669.796 m 203.248 670.547 208.288 676.701 202.679 682.438 c 202.679 682.438 l 201.667 675.8 196.421 672.112 192.893 669.796 c W n q 0 g /GS1 gs -7.45928 -35.0931015 -35.0931015 7.45928 204.9112244 696.4451599 cm BX /Sh0 sh EX Q Q q 151.742 649.985 292.784 46.592 re W n 0 0 0 0 K 2.041 w 22.926 M 1 j /GS1 gs q 1 0 0 1 195.3582 690.7735 cm 0 0 m 12.219 -5.623 3.486 -19.89 -11.838 -20.944 c -6.762 -17.633 4.631 -7.743 0 0 c h S Q Q q 183.519 669.829 m 183.52 669.829 l 198.844 670.884 207.576 685.151 195.358 690.774 c 195.358 690.774 l 199.989 683.029 188.597 673.141 183.519 669.829 c W n q 0 g /GS1 gs -7.1111898 -33.4555016 -33.4555016 7.1111898 199.7552185 700.0951843 cm BX /Sh0 sh EX Q Q q 151.742 649.985 292.784 46.592 re W n 0 0 0 0 K 2.041 w 22.926 M 1 j /GS1 gs q 1 0 0 1 184.2312 695.1563 cm 0 0 m 18.47 -1.832 9.753 -21.812 -10.066 -25.515 c -3.541 -20.829 10.231 -6.346 0 0 c h S Q Q q 174.165 669.642 m 193.985 673.345 202.702 693.325 184.231 695.157 c 184.231 695.157 l 194.463 688.81 180.69 674.326 174.165 669.642 c W n q 0 g /GS1 gs -9.9439001 -43.0718002 -43.0718002 9.9439001 194.3132172 707.8662415 cm BX /Sh0 sh EX Q Q q 151.742 649.985 292.784 46.592 re W n /GS1 gs q 1 0 0 1 428.4762 675.5988 cm 0 0 m 0 8.261 l 10.644 8.261 l 10.644 3.021 l 10.698 1.01 9.839 0 8.062 0 c h 2.339 1.865 m 2.339 6.484 l 8.225 6.484 l 8.225 2.929 l 8.225 2.221 7.874 1.865 7.176 1.865 c h 10.403 -3.197 m 13.227 -3.197 l 15.159 -3.255 16.104 -2.219 16.048 -0.088 c 16.048 16.08 l -0.723 16.08 l -0.723 14.121 l 13.469 14.121 l 13.469 0 l 13.522 -0.888 13.116 -1.305 12.257 -1.242 c 10.403 -1.242 l h -1.532 12.168 13.789 -1.865 re -23.024 6.219 m -18.781 8.23 -16.172 11.606 -15.205 16.344 c -18.026 16.344 l -18.618 12.79 -20.284 10.008 -23.024 7.996 c h -4.481 6.219 m -4.481 7.996 l -7.225 10.008 -8.889 12.79 -9.48 16.344 c -12.302 16.344 l -11.335 11.545 -8.728 8.171 -4.481 6.219 c -8.19 -3.108 m -8.353 -2.398 -8.513 -1.777 -8.671 -1.242 c -12.6 -1.951 -16.199 -2.276 -19.479 -2.219 c -21.171 -2.219 l -21.171 0.09 l -18.914 2.633 -17.192 5.598 -16.011 8.971 c -13.028 8.971 l -14.425 5.303 -16.278 2.311 -18.589 0 c -15.741 0 -12.624 0.148 -9.236 0.443 c -9.667 1.807 -10.206 3.137 -10.85 4.441 c -8.593 4.441 l -7.357 2.013 -6.388 -0.502 -5.688 -3.108 c h -34.441 11.99 5.16 2.313 re -30.331 7.904 m -29.577 7.844 -29.226 8.293 -29.281 9.234 c -29.281 10.213 l -34.441 10.213 l -34.441 7.904 l h -25.812 -3.197 m -25.812 -1.508 l -27.319 -0.799 -28.449 0.031 -29.201 0.979 c -27.694 1.748 -26.622 3.168 -25.976 5.241 c -28.153 5.241 l -28.476 4.055 -29.119 3.08 -30.085 2.311 c -30.466 3.137 -30.812 4.117 -31.136 5.241 c -33.392 5.241 l -32.425 0.916 -29.899 -1.893 -25.812 -3.197 c -43.874 -3.464 m -43.874 16.166 l -37.827 16.166 l -37.827 14.389 l -37.933 11.785 -38.34 9.86 -39.038 8.617 c -38.122 7.375 -37.665 5.861 -37.665 4.085 c -37.665 1.127 -38.876 -0.352 -41.294 -0.352 c -41.294 1.777 l -40.11 1.659 -39.546 2.516 -39.603 4.355 c -39.546 5.893 -40.005 7.283 -40.972 8.526 c -40.218 10.244 -39.872 12.198 -39.922 14.389 c -41.696 14.389 l -41.696 -3.464 l h -36.699 -3.373 m -36.699 16.166 l -27.103 16.166 l -27.103 8.971 l -27.049 6.958 -27.909 5.98 -29.684 6.04 c -34.441 6.04 l -34.441 -0.264 l -33.905 -0.03 -33.151 0.357 -32.185 0.891 c -32.185 -1.156 l -33.581 -2.041 -35.085 -2.781 -36.699 -3.373 c -59.967 6.75 8.144 2.133 re -59.967 2.756 8.144 2.129 re -65.529 13.055 m -65.529 15.011 l -59.805 15.011 l -59.699 15.245 -59.563 15.631 -59.401 16.166 c -59.296 16.58 -59.213 16.874 -59.161 17.052 c -56.337 17.052 l -56.609 16.34 -56.824 15.66 -56.985 15.011 c -47.31 15.011 l -47.31 13.055 l -57.789 13.055 l -58.111 12.229 -58.487 11.459 -58.917 10.747 c -49.163 10.747 l -49.163 -0.27 l -49.108 -2.28 -49.996 -3.261 -51.824 -3.197 c -53.84 -3.197 l -53.84 -1.334 l -52.79 -1.334 l -52.092 -1.394 -51.772 -1.063 -51.824 -0.355 c -51.824 0.979 l -59.967 0.979 l -59.967 -3.373 l -62.546 -3.373 l -62.546 6.484 l -63.515 5.715 -64.592 4.916 -65.771 4.085 c -65.771 6.128 l -63.353 8.261 -61.607 10.569 -60.53 13.055 c h -68.724 7.371 m -68.724 9.238 l -70.657 10.957 -71.868 13.41 -72.35 16.609 c -74.851 16.609 l -74.421 12.168 -72.378 9.092 -68.724 7.371 c -85.495 -3.373 m -82.994 -3.373 l -82.994 11.904 l -82.296 13.207 -81.731 14.895 -81.302 16.966 c -83.804 16.966 l -84.339 13.649 -85.573 11.313 -87.511 9.948 c -87.511 8.349 l -86.758 8.588 -86.087 8.914 -85.495 9.326 c h -75.9 -3.02 m -75.9 -1.242 l -74.61 -1.242 l -73.695 -1.242 -73.265 -0.799 -73.319 0.09 c -73.319 6.574 l -76.382 6.574 l -76.223 1.723 -78.077 -1.595 -81.948 -3.373 c -81.948 -1.595 l -79.798 0.061 -78.749 2.785 -78.804 6.574 c -80.497 6.574 l -80.497 8.439 l -81.034 8.084 -81.597 7.731 -82.189 7.375 c -82.189 9.238 l -80.146 11.016 -78.938 13.473 -78.56 16.609 c -76.062 16.609 l -76.491 12.82 -77.943 10.1 -80.413 8.439 c -70.819 8.439 l -70.819 0.18 l -70.769 -2.012 -71.733 -3.077 -73.724 -3.02 c h -105.618 10.834 2.016 3.644 re -105.618 5.329 2.016 3.819 re -92.153 9.326 m -93.712 9.266 -94.462 10.094 -94.41 11.813 c -94.41 14.303 l -97.069 14.303 l -97.069 13.324 l -96.907 10.838 -98.197 9.356 -100.94 8.883 c -100.94 10.395 l -99.812 10.869 -99.271 11.842 -99.325 13.324 c -99.325 16.166 l -92.071 16.166 l -92.071 12.168 l -92.126 11.455 -91.802 11.131 -91.104 11.191 c -90.138 11.191 l -90.138 9.326 l h -90.138 -3.373 m -92.448 -2.603 -94.327 -1.772 -95.78 -0.888 c -97.181 -1.717 -98.979 -2.543 -101.185 -3.373 c -101.185 -1.595 l -99.622 -1.063 -98.333 -0.352 -97.313 0.533 c -98.549 1.895 -99.544 3.615 -100.297 5.684 c -97.796 5.684 l -97.259 4.207 -96.588 2.99 -95.78 2.043 c -94.706 3.408 -93.925 4.857 -93.443 6.396 c -100.538 6.396 l -100.538 8.261 l -90.862 8.261 l -90.862 6.396 l -91.724 3.731 -92.825 1.748 -94.169 0.447 c -93.038 -0.326 -91.696 -1.004 -90.138 -1.595 c h -108.763 -3.464 m -108.763 -1.421 l -108.063 -0.475 -107.741 1.243 -107.796 3.729 c -107.796 16.252 l -101.508 16.252 l -101.508 -0.621 l -101.401 -2.338 -102.233 -3.163 -104.005 -3.108 c -105.134 -3.108 l -105.134 -1.33 l -104.491 -1.33 l -103.844 -1.391 -103.551 -1.096 -103.603 -0.443 c -103.603 3.642 l -105.618 3.642 l -105.563 0.383 -106.612 -1.984 -108.763 -3.464 c -121.872 4.799 m -121.226 4.737 -120.931 5.033 -120.984 5.684 c -120.984 6.662 l -123.645 6.662 l -123.645 4.799 l h -123.645 8.171 2.66 1.867 re -118.002 -3.464 m -118.002 11.904 l -111.953 11.904 l -111.953 10.216 l -112.01 8.379 -112.411 6.754 -113.165 5.333 c -112.249 4.324 -111.792 3.112 -111.792 1.689 c -111.74 -0.561 -112.921 -1.656 -115.343 -1.595 c -115.343 0.18 l -114.211 0.122 -113.675 0.712 -113.729 1.957 c -113.675 3.021 -114.132 4.145 -115.099 5.333 c -114.4 6.754 -114.025 8.379 -113.97 10.216 c -115.986 10.216 l -115.986 -3.464 l h -130.256 -3.641 m -127.62 -1.984 -126.414 1.273 -126.626 6.128 c -126.626 13.676 l -111.47 13.676 l -111.47 15.453 l -118.483 15.453 l -118.483 16.963 l -121.466 16.963 l -121.466 15.453 l -128.967 15.453 l -128.967 5.684 l -128.911 2.251 -129.341 -0.178 -130.256 -1.599 c h -125.499 -3.108 m -125.499 11.637 l -123.486 11.637 l -123.486 12.794 l -121.146 12.794 l -121.146 11.637 l -119.131 11.637 l -119.131 5.512 l -119.075 3.909 -119.802 3.137 -121.309 3.198 c -123.645 3.198 l -123.645 -0.352 l -123.159 -0.233 -122.489 0 -121.629 0.357 c -121.466 0.418 -121.36 0.474 -121.304 0.533 c -121.466 1.127 -121.655 1.717 -121.869 2.311 c -120.177 2.311 l -119.423 0.533 -118.913 -1.033 -118.646 -2.395 c -120.578 -2.395 l -120.634 -1.863 -120.713 -1.421 -120.823 -1.063 c -122.705 -2.012 -124.264 -2.693 -125.499 -3.108 c -148.849 13.59 m -148.956 14.653 -149.252 15.779 -149.737 16.966 c -147.721 16.966 l -147.181 15.779 -146.833 14.653 -146.672 13.59 c h -144.738 10.569 m -141.996 11.693 -140.3 13.68 -139.657 16.521 c -141.835 16.521 l -142.316 14.746 -143.287 13.324 -144.738 12.259 c h -139.01 9.682 m -140.032 7.787 -141.216 6.393 -142.56 5.506 c -135.222 5.506 l -136.567 6.393 -137.83 7.787 -139.01 9.682 c -133.044 10.569 m -133.044 12.259 l -134.497 13.207 -135.546 14.627 -136.188 16.521 c -138.367 16.521 l -137.562 13.559 -135.787 11.577 -133.044 10.569 c -141.026 -1.156 m -137.965 -1.156 l -137.159 -1.211 -136.781 -0.77 -136.835 0.18 c -136.835 3.642 l -141.026 3.642 l h -145.136 2.309 m -145.839 2.842 -146.537 3.256 -147.235 3.556 c -147.235 -3.464 l -149.493 -3.464 l -149.493 3.998 l -150.139 3.404 -150.917 2.782 -151.832 2.135 c -151.832 4.085 l -149.734 6.338 -148.419 8.705 -147.878 11.191 c -151.269 11.191 l -151.269 12.968 l -145.544 12.968 l -145.544 11.283 l -145.919 9.74 -146.404 8.439 -146.995 7.371 c -146.616 7.55 -146.079 7.875 -145.382 8.349 c -145.488 8.293 -145.433 8.317 -145.22 8.439 c -145.22 6.219 l -145.755 5.925 -146.427 5.684 -147.235 5.506 c -147.235 5.241 l -146.427 5.062 -145.729 4.768 -145.136 4.352 c h -132.882 4.264 m -133.475 4.56 -134.014 4.824 -134.497 5.062 c -134.497 0 l -134.445 -1.955 -135.356 -2.902 -137.238 -2.844 c -143.366 -2.844 l -143.366 4.973 l -143.847 4.737 -144.332 4.472 -144.817 4.172 c -144.817 5.861 l -142.667 7.462 -141.108 9.74 -140.138 12.697 c -137.965 12.697 l -136.887 9.682 -135.195 7.462 -132.882 6.04 c h -159.458 7.018 m -159.888 7.671 -160.266 8.353 -160.586 9.061 c -162.685 9.061 l -162.953 8.353 -163.328 7.671 -163.812 7.018 c h -163.249 10.926 3.146 2.484 re -171.391 7.018 m -171.604 8.557 -172.011 9.979 -172.603 11.283 c -170.504 11.283 l -169.968 10.156 -169.537 8.736 -169.213 7.018 c h -171.633 12.259 m -171.849 13.68 -172.224 15.129 -172.761 16.609 c -170.745 16.609 l -170.101 15.307 -169.644 13.854 -169.375 12.259 c h -164.298 5.333 m -164.298 2.756 l -160.588 2.756 l -159.835 2.698 -159.484 3.112 -159.539 3.998 c -159.539 5.333 l h -173.083 -3.02 m -172.011 -0.058 -171.364 2.902 -171.151 5.861 c -169.136 5.861 l -169.403 2.311 -169.912 -0.652 -170.666 -3.02 c h -168.086 13.41 m -168.086 15.188 l -165.588 15.188 l -165.588 17.052 l -163.249 17.052 l -163.249 15.188 l -160.104 15.188 l -160.104 17.052 l -157.848 17.052 l -157.848 15.188 l -155.184 15.188 l -155.184 13.41 l -157.848 13.41 l -157.848 10.926 l -154.46 10.926 l -154.46 9.061 l -158.088 9.061 l -157.606 7.579 -156.367 6.338 -154.379 5.333 c -154.379 3.642 l -155.507 4.059 -156.475 4.533 -157.284 5.062 c -157.284 3.998 l -157.175 1.986 -158.061 1.01 -159.941 1.068 c -164.298 1.068 l -164.298 0.09 l -164.353 -0.799 -163.947 -1.242 -163.086 -1.242 c -158.408 -1.242 l -157.604 -1.242 -157.225 -0.855 -157.28 -0.088 c -157.28 0.533 l -155.264 0.533 l -155.264 -0.443 l -155.208 -2.16 -156.045 -2.99 -157.764 -2.93 c -163.896 -2.93 l -165.829 -2.99 -166.771 -2.07 -166.716 -0.178 c -166.716 4.619 l -167.308 4.264 -168.006 3.938 -168.812 3.642 c -168.812 5.419 l -166.933 6.367 -165.695 7.579 -165.102 9.061 c -168.732 9.061 l -168.732 10.926 l -165.588 10.926 l -165.588 13.41 l h -191.274 10.303 2.34 3.994 re -191.274 4.176 m -189.902 4.176 l -189.203 4.117 -188.883 4.501 -188.935 5.333 c -188.935 8.617 l -191.274 8.617 l h -183.29 -3.02 m -183.4 -1.599 -183.668 -0.092 -184.098 1.509 c -181.999 1.509 l -181.569 0.383 -181.222 -1.125 -180.954 -3.02 c h -178.453 -3.02 m -178.614 -1.599 -178.937 -0.092 -179.419 1.509 c -177.245 1.509 l -176.653 -0.208 -176.275 -1.717 -176.114 -3.02 c h -188.13 -3.02 m -188.182 -1.48 -188.371 0.031 -188.695 1.509 c -186.597 1.509 l -186.167 -0.092 -185.897 -1.599 -185.791 -3.02 c h -194.017 -3.02 m -193.799 -1.421 -193.45 0.086 -192.967 1.509 c -190.71 1.509 l -191.141 -0.092 -191.437 -1.599 -191.595 -3.02 c h -183.29 4.085 m -180.066 4.085 l -179.26 4.027 -178.882 4.441 -178.937 5.329 c -178.937 6.75 l -183.29 6.75 l h -186.115 8.705 m -186.115 10.392 l -184.662 11.221 -183.937 12.521 -183.937 14.297 c -185.873 14.297 l -185.873 16.166 l -176.52 16.166 l -176.52 12.703 l -176.464 10.569 -177.324 9.535 -179.1 9.592 c -180.954 9.592 l -180.954 11.369 l -179.986 11.369 l -179.127 11.309 -178.722 11.782 -178.775 12.79 c -178.775 14.297 l -181.759 14.297 l -181.707 11.455 -183.158 9.592 -186.115 8.705 c -185.548 2.398 m -185.548 8.526 l -176.681 8.526 l -176.681 5.15 l -176.574 3.198 -177.407 2.281 -179.179 2.398 c h -193.37 2.398 m -193.37 16.074 l -186.84 16.074 l -186.84 5.329 l -186.733 3.26 -187.566 2.281 -189.338 2.398 c h -210.992 7.817 9.11 6.128 re -210.992 -0.888 m -203.252 -0.888 l -202.286 -0.888 -201.827 -0.322 -201.882 0.8 c -201.882 5.861 l -210.992 5.861 l h -213.734 -2.572 m -213.734 15.902 l -199.141 15.902 l -199.141 0.8 l -199.035 -1.569 -200.08 -2.689 -202.286 -2.572 c h f* Q 441.772 655.808 2.05 -2.108 re 435.641 662.184 m 437.419 662.184 l 437.419 666.23 l 439.304 666.23 l 439.304 653.313 l 435.692 653.313 l 432.75 653.278 431.256 654.738 431.221 657.692 c 431.256 660.651 432.731 662.148 435.641 662.184 c 437.419 654.477 m 437.419 660.908 l 436.07 660.908 l 434.129 660.908 433.162 659.817 433.162 657.635 c 433.197 655.532 434.166 654.477 436.07 654.477 c h 424.119 660.742 m 424.119 662.016 l 425.518 662.016 l 425.518 665.454 l 427.407 665.454 l 427.407 662.016 l 429.239 662.016 l 429.239 660.742 l 427.407 660.742 l 427.407 655.752 l 427.369 654.903 427.693 654.497 428.376 654.534 c 428.698 654.534 429.04 654.645 429.399 654.868 c 429.399 653.869 l 428.967 653.461 428.411 653.259 427.727 653.259 c 426.219 653.222 425.483 653.997 425.518 655.586 c 425.518 660.742 l h 414.211 653.481 m 414.211 665.454 l 416.098 665.454 l 416.098 654.645 l 422.294 654.645 l 422.294 653.481 l h 405.645 650.597 m 405.645 651.486 l 406.432 652.001 406.846 652.741 406.882 653.7 c 405.858 653.7 l 405.858 655.808 l 407.959 655.808 l 407.959 654.034 l 408.032 652.446 407.259 651.299 405.645 650.597 c 401.719 655.808 2.048 -2.108 re 395.424 653.259 m 392.766 653.406 391.366 654.868 391.219 657.635 c 391.33 660.558 392.766 662.073 395.532 662.184 c 398.226 662.073 399.629 660.578 399.736 657.692 c 399.665 654.81 398.226 653.332 395.424 653.259 c 395.479 654.423 m 396.988 654.497 397.76 655.567 397.795 657.635 c 397.76 659.782 396.988 660.889 395.479 660.963 c 393.934 660.926 393.143 659.817 393.109 657.635 c 393.179 655.605 393.971 654.534 395.479 654.423 c 389.129 661.794 m 387.244 661.794 l 386.812 663.458 385.807 664.309 384.225 664.343 c 381.962 664.16 380.776 662.497 380.666 659.357 c 380.776 656.25 382.104 654.607 384.657 654.423 c 386.415 654.423 387.89 655.44 389.077 657.471 c 389.077 655.698 l 388.034 654.034 386.4 653.222 384.172 653.259 c 380.723 653.443 378.909 655.494 378.729 659.412 c 378.909 663.33 380.723 665.398 384.172 665.62 c 386.795 665.546 388.447 664.27 389.129 661.794 c 364.553 651.373 m 364.553 652.759 l 365.561 651.723 366.674 651.207 367.897 651.207 c 369.801 651.169 370.716 652.021 370.646 653.757 c 368.704 653.757 l 365.722 653.757 364.232 655.087 364.232 657.748 c 364.304 660.63 365.813 662.091 368.758 662.128 c 372.53 662.128 l 372.53 654.088 l 372.602 651.28 371.221 649.915 368.383 649.988 c 366.764 649.988 365.49 650.449 364.553 651.373 c 370.646 654.921 m 370.646 660.852 l 369.189 660.852 l 367.213 660.815 366.208 659.782 366.172 657.748 c 366.208 655.862 367.196 654.921 369.137 654.921 c h 354.275 653.481 m 354.275 662.184 l 358.53 662.184 l 360.83 662.221 361.96 661.13 361.926 658.912 c 361.926 653.481 l 360.094 653.481 l 360.094 658.693 l 360.094 660.169 359.411 660.908 358.045 660.908 c 356.161 660.908 l 356.161 653.481 l h 347.657 653.259 m 344.998 653.406 343.597 654.868 343.452 657.635 c 343.561 660.558 344.998 662.073 347.763 662.184 c 350.458 662.073 351.861 660.578 351.966 657.692 c 351.895 654.81 350.458 653.332 347.657 653.259 c 347.709 654.423 m 349.219 654.497 349.993 655.567 350.028 657.635 c 349.993 659.782 349.219 660.889 347.709 660.963 c 346.165 660.926 345.375 659.817 345.339 657.635 c 345.412 655.605 346.202 654.534 347.709 654.423 c 336.133 653.313 m 336.133 659.246 l 336.171 661.168 337.106 662.128 338.937 662.128 c 341.631 662.128 l 341.631 660.852 l 339.53 660.852 l 338.56 660.852 338.057 660.355 338.019 659.357 c 338.019 653.313 l h 325.959 656.531 m 325.959 661.964 l 327.79 661.964 l 327.79 656.695 l 327.756 655.179 328.474 654.441 329.948 654.477 c 331.724 654.477 l 331.724 661.964 l 333.612 661.964 l 333.612 653.313 l 329.247 653.313 l 326.983 653.278 325.886 654.349 325.959 656.531 c 315.407 654.81 m 315.407 656.25 l 316.377 655.033 317.491 654.423 318.749 654.423 c 320.509 654.423 321.371 655.513 321.335 657.692 c 321.335 665.398 l 323.219 665.398 l 323.219 657.635 l 323.219 654.717 321.911 653.259 319.286 653.259 c 317.598 653.222 316.303 653.74 315.407 654.81 c 265.103 653.259 m 262.445 653.406 261.045 654.868 260.9 657.635 c 261.007 660.558 262.445 662.073 265.21 662.184 c 267.905 662.073 269.308 660.578 269.413 657.692 c 269.342 654.81 267.905 653.332 265.103 653.259 c 265.158 654.423 m 266.667 654.497 267.439 655.567 267.476 657.635 c 267.439 659.782 266.667 660.889 265.158 660.963 c 263.612 660.926 262.822 659.817 262.787 657.635 c 262.858 655.605 263.649 654.534 265.158 654.423 c 255.037 658.912 m 257.083 658.912 l 257.157 660.39 256.456 661.093 254.981 661.018 c 253.76 661.057 252.954 660.502 252.558 659.357 c 251.103 659.357 l 251.533 661.277 252.845 662.221 255.037 662.184 c 257.337 662.184 258.467 661.168 258.431 659.133 c 258.431 653.259 l 254.659 653.259 l 252.323 653.295 251.137 654.165 251.103 655.862 c 251.103 657.897 252.414 658.912 255.037 658.912 c 257.083 654.423 m 257.083 657.635 l 254.928 657.635 l 253.313 657.635 252.503 657.084 252.503 655.974 c 252.503 654.976 253.241 654.46 254.712 654.423 c h 241.09 653.534 m 241.09 666.175 l 242.978 666.175 l 242.978 662.184 l 245.292 662.184 l 247.593 662.184 248.743 661.15 248.743 659.079 c 248.743 653.534 l 246.857 653.534 l 246.857 658.747 l 246.893 660.224 246.139 660.947 244.595 660.908 c 242.978 660.908 l 242.978 653.534 l h 231.08 653.534 m 231.08 654.698 l 236.197 660.742 l 231.293 660.742 l 231.293 662.016 l 238.516 662.016 l 238.516 660.742 l 233.343 654.698 l 238.731 654.698 l 238.731 653.534 l h 226.939 665.454 1.886 -1.774 re 226.939 661.964 1.886 -8.483 re 216.764 664.179 m 216.764 659.688 l 219.889 659.688 l 221.686 659.651 222.548 660.373 222.476 661.852 c 222.476 663.404 221.613 664.179 219.889 664.179 c h 222.909 653.481 m 219.243 658.415 l 216.764 658.415 l 216.764 653.481 l 214.877 653.481 l 214.877 665.454 l 220.322 665.454 l 223.052 665.454 224.417 664.27 224.417 661.905 c 224.452 659.762 223.409 658.618 221.29 658.469 c 225.116 653.481 l h f* Q q 70.16 607.369 454.957 89.209 re W n /GS1 gs q 1 0 0 1 304.6812 660.7415 cm 0 0 m 0 1.274 l 1.4 1.274 l 1.4 4.712 l 3.288 4.712 l 3.288 1.274 l 5.12 1.274 l 5.12 0 l 3.288 0 l 3.288 -4.989 l 3.25 -5.839 3.576 -6.245 4.258 -6.208 c 4.581 -6.208 4.922 -6.097 5.281 -5.874 c 5.281 -6.873 l 4.849 -7.28 4.292 -7.482 3.608 -7.482 c 2.1 -7.52 1.366 -6.745 1.4 -5.155 c 1.4 0 l h -7.049 -7.429 m -7.049 -1.496 l -7.013 0.427 -6.079 1.387 -4.246 1.387 c -1.552 1.387 l -1.552 0.11 l -3.652 0.11 l -4.622 0.11 -5.127 -0.387 -5.164 -1.385 c -5.164 -7.429 l h -13.721 -7.482 m -16.379 -7.336 -17.78 -5.874 -17.923 -3.106 c -17.815 -0.184 -16.379 1.331 -13.613 1.442 c -10.919 1.331 -9.517 -0.164 -9.41 -3.05 c -9.483 -5.932 -10.919 -7.409 -13.721 -7.482 c -13.667 -6.318 m -12.159 -6.245 -11.385 -5.175 -11.349 -3.106 c -11.385 -0.96 -12.159 0.147 -13.667 0.222 c -15.212 0.185 -16.001 -0.925 -16.036 -3.106 c -15.966 -5.137 -15.173 -6.208 -13.667 -6.318 c -27.237 3.438 m -27.237 -1.55 l -24.54 -1.55 l -22.782 -1.589 -21.939 -0.739 -22.009 0.999 c -21.974 2.662 -22.818 3.475 -24.54 3.438 c h -29.125 -7.261 m -29.125 4.712 l -24.112 4.712 l -21.453 4.676 -20.105 3.418 -20.069 0.942 c -20.035 -1.608 -21.398 -2.864 -24.164 -2.826 c -27.237 -2.826 l -27.237 -7.261 l h f* Q BT /CS0 cs 1 scn /GS0 gs /T1_1 1 Tf 0.024 Tc 11.5 0 3.0814 11.5 70.8306 629.9846 Tm (\(a joint stock company incorporated in the People\222s Republic of Chin\a with limited liability)Tj 0 Tc 38.948 0 Td (\))Tj /T1_2 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 -0 12 246.9242 609.9851 Tm (\(Stock Code: 6117)Tj 0 Tc 8.194 0 Td (\))Tj ET Q BT /T1_3 1 Tf 0.022 Tc 15 0 0 15 56.6929 575.3686 Tm (POLL RESULTS OF THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING)Tj 0.025 Tc 9.55 -1.067 Td (HELD ON 27 AUGUST 2021)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.049 Tc 0.07 Tw 13 0 0 13 56.6929 527.3686 Tm [(References)12.2 ( are)12.2 ( made)12.2 ( to)12.1 ( the)12.2 ( notice)12.2 ( of)12.1 ( extraordinary)12.2 ( general)12.1 ( meeting)12.1 ( dated)12.1 ( 1)12.1 (3)12.1 ( July)24 ( )]TJ 0.032 Tc 0.082 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(2021 \()-12.2 (t)-12.2 (h)-12.1 (e \223)]TJ /T1_3 1 Tf 0.044 Tc 0.07 Tw 5.062 0 Td [(EGM)12.3 ( Notice)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf [(\224\))12.3 ( and)12.3 ( the)12.4 ( circular)12.3 ( dated)12.3 ( 1)12.3 (3)12.4 ( July)12.4 ( 2)12.4 (0)12.3 (2)12.4 (1)12.3 ( \(the)12.3 ( \223)]TJ /T1_3 1 Tf -0.044 Tw (Circular)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.07 Tw [(\224\))12.3 ( of)19 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.025 Tw -5.062 -1.231 Td (Rizhao Port Jurong Co., Ltd. \(the \223)Tj /T1_3 1 Tf -0.025 Tw (Company)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tw (\224\). Unless the context otherwise requires, )Tj 0.042 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(capitalised)12.4 ( terms)12.4 ( used)12.4 ( herein)12.4 ( shall)12.4 ( have)12.4 ( the)12.5 ( same)12.4 ( meanings)12.4 ( as)12.5 ( those)12.4 ( defined)12.4 ( in)12.4 ( the)17.1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (EGM Notice and the Circular.)Tj 0.039 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -2.462 Td [(The)12.6 ( EGM)12.6 ( was)12.6 ( held)12.7 ( at)12.6 ( 1)12.7 (0)12.6 (:)12.7 (0)12.6 (0)12.6 ( a.m.)12.7 ( on)12.6 ( Friday,)12.6 ( 2)12.6 (7)12.7 ( August)12.7 ( 2)12.7 (0)12.6 (2)12.6 (1)12.7 ( at)12.6 ( the)12.7 ( Office)12.7 ( Building)14 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.063 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (of Rizhao Port Jurong Co., Ltd., South End, Haibin 5th Road, Rizhao City\, Shandong )Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Province, the PRC.)Tj 0.043 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -2.462 Td [(As)12.6 ( at)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( date)12.6 ( of)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( EGM,)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( total)12.6 ( number)12.5 ( of)12.6 ( issued)12.6 ( Shares)12.6 ( of)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( Company)12.5 ( was)18 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.083 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(1,660,000,000, c)-12.7 (o)-12.7 (m)-12.7 (p)-12.7 (r)-12.7 (i)-12.7 (s)-12.7 (i)-12.7 (n)-12.7 (g 840,000,000 D)-12.7 (o)-12.7 (m)-12.7 (e)-12.7 (s)-12.7 (t)-12.7 (i)-12.7 (c S)-12.7 (h)-12.7 (a)-12.6 (r)-12.7 (e)-12.7 (s a)-12.7 (n)-12.7 (d 820,000,000 H S)-12.7 (h)-12.7 (a)-12.7 (r)-12.7 (e)-12.7 (s)-12.7 (. )]TJ 0.065 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(A)0.6 (s)13 ( )0.5 (a)0.6 (t)13 ( )0.6 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)13.1 ( )0.6 (d)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)13 ( )0.6 (o)0.5 (f)13 ( )0.6 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)13 ( )0.6 (E)0.5 (G)0.6 (M)0.5 (,)13 ( )0.6 (R)0.5 (i)0.6 (z)0.5 (h)0.6 (a)0.5 (o)13 ( )0.6 (P)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (t)13 ( )0.6 (G)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (u)0.6 (p)13 ( )0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)13.1 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)13 ( )0.6 (a)0.5 (s)0.6 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.6 (i)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)13 ( )0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)13 ( )0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)40.1 ( )]TJ 0.063 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(in)12.1 ( 8)12.2 (4)12.2 (0)12.1 (,)12.2 (0)12.2 (0)12.2 (0)12.1 (,)12.2 (0)12.2 (0)12.1 (0)12.2 ( Domestic)12.2 ( Shares,)12.1 ( representing)12.2 ( approximately)12.1 ( 5)12.2 (0)12.2 (.)12.1 (6)12.2 (%)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( total)38 ( )]TJ 0.035 Tc 0.073 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(issued)9.9 ( )0.6 (share)10.1 ( )0.5 (capital)10 ( )0.5 (of)10.1 ( )0.5 (the)10 ( )0.5 (Company,)10 ( )0.5 (and)10 ( )0.5 (are)10 ( )0.5 (required)10 ( )0.5 (to)10 ( )0.5 (abstain)10 ( )0.5 (from)10 ( )0.5 (voting)10 ( )0.5 (on)10 ( )0.5 (the)10 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (resolutions numbered 1 and 2 approving the Ratification, the Supplementa\l Agreement, )Tj 0.034 Tc 0.074 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(the)9 ( )0.5 (Revised)9 ( )0.5 (Annual)9 ( )0.5 (Caps)9 ( )0.5 (and)9 ( )0.5 (the)9 ( )0.5 (transactions)9 ( )0.5 (contemplated)9 ( )0.5 (thereunder)9 ( )0.5 (at)9 ( )0.5 (the)9 ( )0.5 (EGM.)9 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.083 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(Accordingly, )0.5 (the )0.5 (total )0.5 (number of Shares )0.5 (entitling )0.5 (the )0.5 (Shareholders )0.5 (to )0.5 (attend )0.5 (and )0.5 (vote )]TJ 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (for or against all the resolutions proposed at the EGM was 820,000,000 S\hares.)Tj 0.047 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -2.462 Td [(Save)12.1 ( as)12.1 ( disclosed)12.1 ( above,)12.1 ( no)12.1 ( Shareholders)12.1 ( was)12.1 ( required)12.1 ( under)12.1 ( the)12.1 ( Listing)12.1 ( Rules)12.1 ( to)22 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.001 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(abstain from voting )0.5 (on )0.5 (the resolutions. There )0.5 (were no Shares entitling )0.5 (the Shareholders )]TJ 0.083 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(to )0.5 (attend )0.5 (and )0.5 (abstain )0.5 (from )0.5 (voting )0.5 (in )0.5 (favor )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (resolutions )0.5 (proposed )0.5 (at )0.5 (the )0.5 (EGM )0.5 (as )]TJ 0.039 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(set)12.6 ( out)12.6 ( in)12.6 ( Rule)12.6 ( 1)12.6 (3)12.6 (.)12.6 (4)12.5 (0)12.6 ( of)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( Listing)12.6 ( Rules.)12.5 ( None)12.6 ( of)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( Shareholders)12.6 ( has)12.6 ( stated)12.5 ( his/)]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.048 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(her/its )0.5 (intention )0.5 (in )0.5 (the )0.5 (Circular )0.5 (to )0.5 (vote )0.5 (against )0.5 (or )0.5 (to )0.6 (abstain )0.6 (from )0.5 (voting )0.6 (on )0.6 (any )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )]TJ 0.05 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (resolutions proposed at the EGM. The convening of the EGM was in complia\nce with )Tj 0.016 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(the relevant requirements of the Company Law of the PRC and the articles\ of association)-9 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 -1.231 Td (of the Company.)Tj ET endstreamendobj20 0 obj<>endobj29 0 obj<>endobj30 0 obj<>stream    !#%' ) + - / 2 4 6 8 ; = @ B EGJLOQTWY\_bdgjmpsvy|傶 endstreamendobj19 0 obj<>endobj31 0 obj<>stream 2020-10-06T08:53+08:00 2020-10-06T08:53:01+08:00 2020-10-06T08:53:01+08:00 Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 (Windows) xmp.iid:8e970aaa-cc73-f949-8795-7f1def0ca38e xmp.did:24ffb9b5-4f95-9841-a9ae-635e7e7ecba1 xmp.did:8e970aaa-cc73-f949-8795-7f1def0ca38e proof:pdf uuid:9ffec502-fabf-46a3-9748-70ad77b97c02 xmp.id:4fe622b8-0f1b-914b-8492-c9eac06e50d3 xmp.did:24ffb9b5-4f95-9841-a9ae-635e7e7ecba1 proof:pdf converted from application/x-indesign to application/pdf Adobe InDesign CC 2017 (Windows) / 2020-10-06T08:49:30+08:00 saved xmp.iid:8e970aaa-cc73-f949-8795-7f1def0ca38e 2020-10-06T08:53:01+08:00 Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 (Windows) / application/postscript edwintong E_06117_4c.eps Adobe PDF Library 15.0 False 1 False True 210.000145 297.000089 Millimeters TimesLTStd-Roman Times LT Std Roman Open Type Version 2.050;PS 002.000;hotconv 1.0.51;makeotf.lib2.0.18671 False TimesLTStd-Roman_2.otf TimesLTStd-Bold Times LT Std Bold Open Type Version 2.050;PS 002.000;hotconv 1.0.51;makeotf.lib2.0.18671 False TimesLTStd-Bold_4.otf Cyan Magenta Yellow Black 闋愯ō鑹茬エ缇ょ祫 0 endstreamendobj16 0 obj<>endobj17 0 obj<>endobj33 0 obj<>endobj34 0 obj<>stream H塴SPT>囕=敾"藨氘漵* 苺?枒 姦磹牎"幢]xH鋘J?@,#u力缾1$惨oc莴穘9?莺輽鳜颪莩{缰埯}<啕>铧吸喵虶??韶?u)糙)衑I蘶?裂儾仈c则淗F?rΓ鉤私9s喖a婊s U?潀?蝢V諌謲沑4沣 ALaZ訏C鳻C|?勈tAr~迸鶞諭.?馩:蕽b昐4K控f鉉/ 蒔`?駀??傒,n鏉|炚醫誙 |庘悿6ZOQ梆V镖$皤 擑刨徕 _臬:竣耑.凥还嶹螯\]few*6"_Y-Z%嫷躤u:?欫蘶醱R8E蕺し)I~/?饵檠苈撀[剨e慏1崍&b?b.態,!笵Q@?' 濺薯?橭n%}a喊僡7U+T]闤醭觐b蠘|w孴p顦剩朳 鲡$儥挟佦蝤?蠪ㄒP櫒魯| V齑8t?沙燪羬L憟f屄}Z?VB=蝑y锃 }z樇4|s傹舚Lg.魜D 昘3Y'}穈l 鲩qre櫛愓{z ? ^%泎欨︺W8V[懺l滫u懊p芐&r?礨P皖栦閿陡??掿0XHP蓵? 綾W鑡p玭硫!嘐蔧_穋荒Ch?駄8?闉<覵磊擁^/{餈楓搬忝Y8椨w兹>笍鞉烾蒣麱&怋暋ㄩ>3@9?熸 垉 d╪\eJ|鵉 gJ謔,/eu塐P窤R8K)珔,鳕?鈊Km?X*?学活??{喠栟9e?.睃睥2蜙"< 赃0"?跥镕牨娭]?誘m赛7還8摫 ?嵭1焳xu燈煥v卖傋t_薾偕€軳粀愍w9JN.4璁??m稂Yi軙蜌硕伐妃芣申nni悬P?衧侜集鮄骼堳?2k亿臿?嶎Z隂顬q 瘽噄慯z務W滟d搧d-嶶 觃i焨k帛霈沨胯?旡?0醃滖妪簌Go\>Ⅹ?m桋F鰽<Й辀V进聣銁y 7K魠葺{骤q%}L产夞F替t琊醥Ro~谶?鋍W泻篰鯞Tg?X抄肂虤价q腙D廼O0BJ05#渇€=?x鷲X踤鳇愕?勼梴SY?→?Z8hテ[!H''b>endobj35 0 obj<>stream H塴 Tg?嗕C;3篣Ku乯- *XD ?耂^F D饋帷鳣圥VA惦玍,K=]籡鱰橼蕖{蜰Bk蠟頇9w咀遷秣潙N塂饩ju`hX渣峧嵤?聵竊僋T阽f 碊餻f綝 4/炮髜?\卪虦6藣愙U朖B$Q伜碣zur姂{葸o抱蔸:蔸/t??铒绨猬下匎茯D]紛嬋6U虚冯鬔?褘[灋?淾eP?韮bNm鄶淨疞Ti旡4N椖叒代c鰒(*x蒵QS疛湓Z螛⑩6yExq幄仓?祲芷揠拻 *菭F櫷堻霛犚曗W'疏乖 节惃N0猽Z孟鈀?:=橛Ey瑼ez?>厮{U腇{g棬JJ??s鈛倄 V葓g"BJl!坔倄UJb揇J甇Z1棣許Z?s妕:.se錔y= @龛{畏'o氒4舮J肨K燄琌"?}R嫇P6>^&嘕|嵞藸F_?H皐偏迅<盅唀X焖厏肄脉 鏱>聮?q +芍龔o鷅}璔煔??潹Z+霝J+OWW泲M贡!J峙0鏃%?"匥c~$鲻銎髉厵觼絹坦垱+瑂?袓RP龔圇>`& fDz?聋镾0﹚0!煯o蹤?RJ,X鳆 Wky8琪邼棞g!D捙?藬kN8@<裼蟀|>,喰x叿操2Mz`vケ烔%だ湠濈禺頺圎hp匠d謖b,嵭t?L峮邘B.HCuc3然vQ?Q犈杌?灵F磳媳荪`*?諼q寏~!挲毒? f\/嚢 螋kk掀灅?efYy搣7b籍v8k?: b糶cs蓌扌愌屻a妪0Pxa#> n?哃栌R[駌;P李??Pk#Z钵Q?砒C,?瀺#d司陙.楺咠D€y寰屗桬飪9s離碴 愨9WRS?=?d蠭诙?徫 篼鹌眃qaAQ&创壆[九?奼貀kPB預]蹓痞#膻惩F禎k8輟? 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