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Management Team

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Management Team

Executive and non-executive directors

Mr. Cui Liang (崔亮),aged 53, graduated from Shandong Normal University with a major in Chinese Language and Literature in 1993, holds a college degree and is a political engineer. He successively served as deputy manager of Third Harbor Company of Rizhao Port (日照港第三港務分公司) from August 2008 to November 2013; chief dispatcher of production business department of Rizhao Port Group from November 2013 to September 2015; manager of marketing branch of Rizhao Port Group from September 2015 to January 2017; head of the production business department of Rizhao Port Group from January 2017 to January 2020; member of the Party Committee and chairman of the Labor Union of Rizhao Port Group from January 2020 to August 2021 and chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Rizhao Port from July 2020 to August 2021. Mr. Cui is currently a member of the Party Committee of Rizhao Port, a director of Rizhao Port Shangang Terminal Co., Ltd. (日照港山鋼碼頭有限公司) and a director of Rizhao Port。


Mr. Qin Yuning (秦玉寧),aged 49, has over 17 years in the port industry. From March 2020 to July 2021 and since November 2022, he has served as a member of the party committee and deputy general manager (executive level) of the Company. From July 2021 to November 2022, he served as a member of the party committee and deputy manager of the First Port Branch of Rizhao Port Co., Ltd. (日照港股份有限公司第一港務分公司). From April 2019 to March 2020, he served as a member of the party committee and deputy general manager of Rizhao Port Jurong Company (日照港裕廊公司). From August 2010 to April 2019, he served various positions in the Third Port Branch of Rizhao Port Co., Ltd. (日照港股份有限公司第三港務分公司), including member of the party committee and deputy manager, secretary and director of the party branch of the production dispatching center, director of the production scheduling center and head of the production and business department. From May 2005 to August 2010, he worked in the warehouse team and production and business department of Rizhao Port No. 3 Company (日照港三公司). Mr. Qin obtained a bachelor’s degree in management specialising in national economic management from Qingdao University.


Mr. Terence Seow (蕭國良), aged 53, has acted as the chief executive officer of Jurong Port Pte Ltd since September 2022. Mr. Seow served as the assistant chief executive officer of Enterprise Singapore from 2011 to 2014. From 2014 to August 2022, Mr. Seow served as the assistant chief executive officer of JTC Corporation. Mr. Seow graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor of Arts degree. He also has a master’s degree in Public Administration from Columbia University, through a scholarship awarded by Enterprise Singapore. In 2018, Mr. Seow was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Silver) by the Government of Singapore in recognition of his contribution to the public service.


Mr. Francis Nyan (嚴明仁), aged 50, has acted as the chief financial officer of Jurong Port Pte Ltd since October 2022. Mr. Nyan served in various roles at DBS Singapore from 1996 to 2019, he was the Managing Director and Head of Capital and Funding prior to leaving DBS Singapore. From 2019 to September 2022, he served as the Director of Treasury and Payment at JTC Corporation. Mr. Nyan graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree (First Class Honours) from University of Oxford under DBS Overseas Scholarship Award. He attained his master’s degree of arts with Benjamin Batson Gold Medal from the National University of Singapore. Mr. Nyan’s professional qualifications include Chartered Financial Analyst, Financial Risk Manager and Singapore Chartered Accountant Qualification Programme.


Mr. Fang Lei (房磊), aged 52, has a title of senior economist. He graduated from Shandong University in 1990 with a bachelor’s degree in scientific socialism, and obtained a master’s degree in law from the University of International Business and Economics in 2001. Mr. Fang has extensive experience in port management, and has been working in Shandong Port Rizhao Port Group Co., Ltd. (“Rizhao Port Group”) since 1990. From August 2004 to November 2005, he served as the deputy head of the investment promotion section of the corporate development department of Rizhao Port Group. From November 2005 to April 2011, he served as the head of the investment promotion section of the corporate development department of Rizhao Port Group. From April 2011 to September 2011, he served as the assistant to the general manager of Rizhao Jurong Port Terminals Co., Ltd. From September 2011 to December 2016, he was appointed as the deputy general manager, financial controller and chairman of labor union of Rizhao Jurong Port Terminals Co., Ltd. From December 2016 to June 2018, he served as the deputy director of the corporate development department of Rizhao Port Co., Ltd. (presiding over the work). Mr. Fang has served as the director of the corporate development department of Rizhao Port Co., Ltd. since March 2019.


Mr. Chen Lei (陳磊), aged 34, has been a non-executive Director since May 2021 and serves as a member of the Audit Committee. Mr. Chen has held various positions in Rizhao Port Group since 2012. Mr. Chen worked in the financial budget department of Rizhao Port Group as a financial supervisor from August 2012 to December 2016. He worked in asset finance department of Rizhao Port Group as a supervisor from December 2016 to February 2020. From February 2020 to April 2020, he concurrently served as the deputy minister of asset finance department and the financial statement and accounting management of Rizhao Port Group. He concurrently served as the deputy minister of asset finance department of Rizhao Port Group and the financial statement and accounting management second level supervisor from April 2020 to June 2020. He served as the deputy minister of the asset finance department of Rizhao Port Group from June 2020 to September 2020 and has served as the deputy minister of the financial management department of Rizhao Port Group since September 2020. Mr. Chen graduated from Chang’an University (長安大學) with a major in accounting in 2012, obtaining a master’s degree in management.


Independent Non-executive Directors

Mr. Zhang Zixue,PhD of corporate law and securities law from China University of Political Science and Law and was granted the legal professional qualification certificate. He was appointed as independent non-executive director on December 20, 2018. He is mainly responsible for supervising and providing independent judgement to the Board. He has served as director of supervision department of the listed companies, full-time member of administrative penalty committee and deputy chief of administrative penalty committee in the China Securities Regulatory Commission. He has been serving as a professor at the Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School of China University of Political Science and Law since July 2016. He has been independent non-executive director of Shenzhen Prince New Materials Co., Ltd. (a company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, stock code: 002735) since December 2018, Bank of Communications Schroder Fund Management Co., Ltd. since October 2018. Independent non-executive director of the company and Guizhou Baishan Cloud Technology Co., Ltd. since September 2018.


Mr. Lee Man Tai (李文泰),aged 43, was appointed as an independent non-executive Director of the Company on 17 December 2019. Mr. Lee is primarily responsible for supervising and providing independent judgment to the Board.

Mr. Lee has approximately 20 years of working experience in financial industry. From October 2006 to October 2012, he acted as the chief financial officer and company secretary of China Yuanbang Property Holdings Limited (中國元邦房 地產控股有限公司), a company listed on Mainboard of the Singapore Exchange Limited (stock code: CYBP.SP or BCD. SI). From October 2012 to May 2014, he acted as the chief financial officer and company secretary of China 33 Media Group Limited (中國三三傳媒集團有限公司), a company listed on GEM of the Stock Exchange (stock code: 8087). He acted as the chief financial officer and company secretary of Flying Financial Service Holdings Limited (匯聯金融服務控 股有限公司), a company listed on GEM of the Stock Exchange (stock code: 8030) from July 2014 to April 2015 and from August 2014 to April 2015, respectively. He also acted as the financial controller and company secretary of Chanco International Group Limited (卓高國際集團有限公司) (now known as China International Development Corporation Limited (中聯發展控股集團有限公司)), a company listed on Main Board of the Stock Exchange (stock code: 264) from April 2015 to January 2016 and from April 2015 to September 2015, respectively. Since January 2016, Mr. Lee has been an independent non-executive director of China Energy Development Holdings Limited (中國能源開發控股有限公 司), a company listed on Main Board of the Stock Exchange (stock code: 228). Since November 2016, he has been an independent non-executive director of Progressive Path Group Holdings Limited (進昇集團控股有限公司), a company listed on Main Board of the Stock Exchange (stock code: 1581).


Mr. Wu Xibin,Bachelor of Law from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Master of Business Administration of China Europe International Business School and was granted the securities law business qualification certificate. He was appointed as independent non-executive director of our company on January 10, 2019. He is primarily responsible for supervising and providing independent judgment to the Board. He served as securities lawyer at Henan Jinyan Law Firm and Beijing Liwen Law Firm and partner of Beijing Honor Base Law Firm. Since June 2013, he has been a senior partner of Beijing Great Wall Law Firm. Since July 2016, he has served as Chairman of the board of China Investment Merger and Acquisition Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Since January 2016, he has served as director of Shengruisi (Beijing) Sports Culture Development Co., Ltd. Since October 2016, he has served as a non-executive director of NAURA Technology Group Co., Ltd. (a company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, stock code: 002371).



Mr. Gao Zhi Yuan, who graduated from Yanshan College of Shandong Economics University (山東經濟學院燕山學院) with a bachelor’s degree in financial management in July 2010. In April 2021, Mr. Gao was awarded the master’s degree of business administration by Shanghai Maritime University (上海海事大學),he has rich experience in accounting and auditing. Mr. Gao served as the accountant of the financial department of the Company from June 2011 to October 2015, the deputy head of the business department of the Company from October 2015 to January 2017, the deputy captain of the operation team of the Company from January 2017 to April 2018, and the deputy captain of warehouse team of the Company from April 2018 to July 2019. Mr. Gao worked as the deputy director of the general office of the Company from July 2019 to October 2020 while also serving as the deputy director of the internal audit office of the Company from August 2019 to October 2020 and became the director of the general office of the Company (Shandong Port Group executive level) from October 2020 to October 2021. Mr. Gao was also the member of the Party Branch Committee of the Company from July 2019 to October 2021. Since October 2021, Mr. Gao has served as the secretary of the Institutional Party Branch Committee of the Company and the office manager of the Company (Shandong Port Group supervisor level).


Mr. Li Weiqing,graduated from Shandong Economics College (later merged into Shandong University of Finance and Economics) with a major in statistics and accounting and was recognized as senior accountant. He was appointed as supervisor of our Company on February 26, 2018. Mr. Li is primarily responsible for supervising the company's operations and financial position. He served as deputy chief of the accounting division, chief of the accounting division, chief accountant, deputy director, deputy manager of Lanshan Port Authority of Shandong Province. He served as deputy director and deputy secretary of the party committee of Rizhao Port Group Lanshan Port Co., Ltd. He has been Deputy Director of the Audit Department of Rizhao Port since November 2017. He has been director at Rizhao Jinqiao Investment Co., Ltd. since July 2003, Rizhao Laoshan Wanhe Liquefaction Dock Co., Ltd. since March 2007, Rizhao Wanshan Wansheng Harbor Co., Ltd. since February 2011 and Rizhao Starlight Asphalt Co., Ltd. since February 2017. He has been supervisor at Rizhao Port COSCO Shipping Logistics Co., Ltd. since April 2018 and Rizhao Kaidi Ecological Energy Co., Ltd. since June 2018.


Mr. Tham Wai Kong,Bachelor of Law from King's College London and admitted as member of the Singapore Bar Association. He was appointed as Supervisor of our Company on May 14, 2014. He is primarily responsible for supervising the company's operations and financial position. He has served as senior lawyer at Allen & Gledhill LLP, Asian legal counsel at Tyco International Inc, Asia, and Asian legal advisor at United Technologies Corporation. He has been vice president of legal and company secretariat at Jurong Port Pte Ltd since February 2013.


Senior Management

Mr. Liu Baojun41, Economist. He graduated from the School of Management of Shandong University in July 2002, majoring in Business Administration.

Mr. Liu Baojun worked in Rizhao Port Group and the Company from September 2002 to October 2011. He served as Deputy Director of the Office of the Company from October 2011 to October 2015, and as the leader of the operation team of the Company from October 2015 to December 2017. From December 2017 to May 2020 he served as Party Branch Secretary and leader of the Operation Team of the Company. From May 2020 to October 2021, he served as the Party Branch Secretary and team leader of the Company's Operation team (supervisor level of provincial Port Group). From October 2021 to now, he has served as the Party Branch Secretary and team leader of the Company's dispatch center.


Mr. Yang Juntian,aged 50 , senior economist, obtained a lawyer qualification certificate. In July 1989, he graduated from the People's Police School of the Ministry of Communications, majoring in shipping police, and later obtained a university degree in law majoring in East China University of Political Science and Law.

Mr. Yang Juntian served as a member of the Second Police Station of Rizhao Port Public Security Bureau from July 1989 to March 1995, and a member of the Public Security Section of Rizhao Port Public Security Bureau from March 1995 to January 2000, from January 2000 to 2003 Served as legal counsel of the Legal Affairs Office of Rizhao Port Authority in May, legal counsel of the Legal Affairs Division of the Corporate Development Department of Rizhao Port Group from May 2003 to August 2004, and legal counsel of the Corporate Development Department of Rizhao Port Group from August 2004 to November 2005 Deputy Chief of the Affairs Section, from November 2005 to September 2011, served as Chief of the Legal Affairs Section of the Corporate Development Department of Rizhao Port Group; from September 2011 to December 2016, served as Deputy Chief of the Operation Management Department of Rizhao Port Group, November 2015 From November 2017 to November 2017, he served as executive director of Shandong Rizhao Coking Power Company. From November 2017 to June 2018, he served as the deputy director of the corporate development department of Rizhao Port Group. From June 2018 to March 2020, he served as the party committee member of Rizhao Port Co., Ltd. The 3rd Branch deputy manager, chairman of the labor union, from March 2020 to April 2021, served as a member of the party committee, deputy manager, and chairman of the labor union of Rizhao Port Co., Ltd. The 3rd Branch deputy manager, and served as a member of the party committee , deputy manager and chairman of the labor union of Rizhao Port Co., Ltd. The 3rd Branch from April 2021 to June 2021. From June 2021 to July 2021, he served as a member of the party committee, deputy manager and chairman of the labor union of Rizhao Port Co., Ltd. The 1st Branch.


Mr. Ding Dong (丁 東),aged 45, successively worked for Rizhao Port First Harbor Company (日照港第一港務分公司) from November 1997 to June 1999, Rizhao Port Industry Corporation (日照港口實業總公司) from June 1999 to April 2002, planning and finance division of Rizhao Port Authority from April 2002 to June 2003 and finance and budget department of Rizhao Port Group from June 2003 to February 2008. He served as chief of the agency affairs division of finance and budget department at Rizhao Port Group from February 2008 to June 2010. He served as finance manager at Rizhao Shihua Crude Oil Terminal Co., Ltd. (日照實華原油碼頭有限公司) from June 2010 to March 2017. He served as director of planning and finance office at the Second Harbor Branch of Rizhao Port (日照港集團股份第二港務分公司) from March 2017 to October 2017. He served as deputy director of asset and finance department at Rizhao Port Group from October 2017 to December 2018. He served as financial director of the Company from December 2018 to December 2019, and financial director of Rizhao Port Co., Ltd. from December 2019 to September 2021. Mr. Ding received his bachelor’s degree from Qingdao University (青島大學) in accounting in July 1997. He obtained his master’s degree in business administration from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (華中科技大學) in March 2016.


Mr. Zheng Shiqiang,Bachelor of Finance and Accounting from China University of Mining and Technology and was recognized as accountant and senior economist. He was appointed as Secretary of the Board on December 10, 2018. He is mainly responsible for the Board related matters, information disclosure and liaison with the securities regulatory authority. Prior to joining our company, he served as accountant of Rizhao Port Authority Railway Transportation Company and the planning and finance division of Rizhao Port Authority, financial manager at Port Service Center of Rizhao Port Industry Corporation, chief of Production Preparation Group and executive finance team of Rizhao Port Wood and Chip Terminal, deputy office manager, office manager at the Third Habor Company of Rizhao Port Authority, office manager of Rizhao Port Container, office manager at the Third Habor Branch of Rizhao Port Group, and Marketing Manager of our Company. He has been Director of General Office of our company since May 2013.


Postal code:276826
Address:South End, Haibin 5th Road, Donggang District, Rizhao, Shandong Province, China
Copyright© 2010-2011 Rizhao Port Jurong Co., Ltd.

Rizhao Port Jurong Co., Ltd.
